The formats I offer are as individual as you are.

You decide for yourself what suits you at a specific moment in time.

See below for an overview of the formats.

Coaching on a specific topic/aim

  • You know what is on your mind, where you want to go, and we can easily define your aim together. Be it a career change, a new challenge at work, a new perspective. In several sessions (individually selectable between 50, 75 and 90 minutes) we set the course together, work out solutions and get you to your goal.

Accompanying coaching process

  • You are constantly faced with new challenges, pressure, constant change and a hectic pace at work. In a longer process with regular sessions, I will accompany you on a continuous path to more serenity, resilience, sustainable performance and joy and confidence in what you do.

Workplace Shadowing

  • For a coaching process, it can be useful to see you in action, at work. This allows feedback on your real behavior, your leadership style, the way you communicate. For me as a coach, it allows a concrete insight into the company culture and dynamics and the challenges you are facing. All these observations gathered on site can be incorporated into the coaching process and enrich it.


  • The acronym SPOT stands for Set goal | work on a short Plan I clarify Options | Take action. But it also describes well what the format looks like: short, just-in-time coaching sessions when a specific problem, an obstacle or a new challenge needs to be addressed and discussed promptly. On the spot; short, concentrated, in 20-30 minutes. I offer spot coaching sessions as a possible supplement for coachees who are in a coaching process with me.

Team coaching

  • Do you want to invest in your team in a meaningful way? Team coaching IS effective. As the coach and a team collaborate it is possible to optimize teamwork, communication and performance in a very targeted way. The team members gain more joy from their work and become more successful.

Group coaching

  • My weekly coaching group for new managers (less than 1 year) is open to anyone who would like to exchange ideas in a moderated, guided group; with people with similar challenges, objectives and goals. You are welcome to join using the Online Booking System. Book a free 15-minute telephone call in which we can explore together whether this could be something for you.

Get to know my formats

  • Coaching is a very personal and individual service. Not every coach suits every coachee, and vice versa. That's why I offer an introductory session (45 minutes; on site or online) at a reduced fee. We get to know each other, take a first dive into your situation, wants and goals. Interested? Get in touch with me.

To get a first impression of each other, please book a free 15-minute call, without any obligation.

Being there for you: onsite & online

I offer all my coaching formats in my practice in Vienna, a place to calm down, get inspired, source new energy.

Additionally or alternatively I offer online coaching as well as on-site sessions at your company.

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Implement visions.

Develop your career.

We work together on specific topics. In a strategic, structured, and focused way. Are you ready to get started?