Is it worth it?

As with any investment the question with coaching is: what do I get out of it?

Apart from a personal answer, which can only be given during and after a coaching process, research results and studies can be used as a basis for decision-making. Forschungsergebnisse eine gute Entscheidungsgrundlage sein.

  • A meta-analysis of 18 studies on coaching in organizations by the University of Amsterdam showed that coaching has a major impact on clients' resilience, subjective well-being, attitudes, performance and goal achievement.


  • In the 5th Marburg Coaching Study 2022, 63% of the companies and HR managers surveyed responded with "very positive" - see chart.


  • In a different study, 75% of respondents stated that the value of executive and leadership coaching is "much greater" or even "very much greater" than the money and time invested. (International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring)

© Prof. Michael Stephan und Carmen Wegner; 2022;
5. Marberger Coaching-Studie

The study by Prof Michael Stephan & Carmen Wegener can be ordered at


Moving mountains

Even moving mountains starts with a little push in the right direction. So how about giving yourself a first little push.